

6 Months After Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico Is Still Recovering

Hurricane Maria made landfall in Puerto Rico on Sept. 20, 2017. The island has made strides, but there's still a lot of work to do.

It's been six months since Hurricane Maria made landfall in Puerto Rico, and the island is still trying to get back on its feet.

The good news is this: According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, all 68 hospitals are open. And The Associated Press reports crews have also restored water to 99 percent of customers.

But as of March 16, a little over 7 percent of the island was still without power.

Many residents have also left Puerto Rico for the U.S. mainland. It's impossible to know exactly how many, but the Center for Puerto Rican Studies estimates almost half a million will leave by 2019.

FEMA did say Puerto Rico has made progress but also says the island's infrastructure still needs a lot of work. Atlantic hurricane season starts in June.