

Punxsutawney Phil makes his 2023 Groundhog Day prediction

Since 1887, people have gathered outside Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, to see Phil make his prediction.

Despite lacking formal meteorology training, Punxsutawney Phil delivers one of the most anticipated weather forecasts each year.

On Thursday, Phil weighed in on whether there will be six more weeks of winter or if spring will get an early start.

By seeing his shadow on Thursday, Phil predicted that winter continues and spring will not get underway anytime soon.

Is it time to get rid of Groundhog Day?

Is it time to get rid of Groundhog Day?

Punxsutawney Phil just predicted six more weeks of winter. Now, he doesn't have the best track record — which got us thinking whether we can really trust him


The tradition dates back 137 years. According to data, he has seen his shadow 107 times compared to not seeing his shadow 20 times. There is no record from 10 Groundhog Days.

2023 marks the third consecutive yearPhil saw his shadow.

Despite the pomp and circumstance around Phil when he wriggles out of his burrow, Phil's accuracy is dubious.

In the 21st century, Phil has been less than 50% accurate with his forecasts.

Several other rodentsare in the weather prognostication business, including Buckeye Chuck in Ohio and Staten Island Chuck in New York.