

'All Right, Good Night,' Last Words From Flight 370

In a meeting in Beijing Wednesday between the Malaysian government and Chinese passenger family members, the last words from 370 were revealed.

Wednesday marked the fifth day since Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 mysteriously went missing and still search efforts don't seem to be any closer to finding the Boeing 777. 

The latest update came Wednesday during a meeting between the Malaysian government and the relatives of Chinese passengers. (Via KOVR)

"All right, good night." Those were the last words heard from the missing plane. They came after Malaysian air traffic control told the pilot the plane was leaving Malaysian airspace. (Via The Straits Times)

The words, which reportedly were said about an hour into the flight, suggest nothing was wrong at the time, but the plane vanished minutes later. And it's clear from the updates that Malaysian authorities aren't much closer to figuring out why.

"It proves that there is a possibility that this aircraft made a turn back. But we are not sure whether it is the same aircraft." (Via BBC)

Why are they unsure? A former National Safety Transpiration Board investigator explained to NBC why there could be some confusion.

"We're talking about civilian radar, military radar. They are not equal, they're different. ... Military seems to be a cruder reading?" 

"It can't even tell you what kind of aircraft it is, whether it's a helicopter or an airplane."  (Via NBC)

The lack of details is causing growing frustration among the relatives of the missing passengers. (Via YouTube / WorNewsofDay

"How are you and your family holding up?"

"We're doing OK. We're getting through, we're taking it sometimes an hour at a time, sometimes a minute at a time."

"I think the uncertainty is the biggest problem right now." (Via CNN)

As search crews become desperate, the search area has been significantly widened and more and more agencies are getting involved. (Via The Guardian

"Now covering at least 37,000 nautical miles. The government of India said to be joining that effort too. ... The FAA and NTSB are there on the ground in Kuala Lumpur." (Via Fox News

Also being investigated are claims from a young woman that one of the pilots on 370 let her and a friend hangout in the cockpit of an aircraft back in 2011, talking, taking pictures and smoking, which isn't allowed. (Via Daily Mail

Malaysia Airlines is offering $5,000 to the families of each missing traveler. There's also still no update on the door that was spotted earlier in the week that was believed to possibly belong to Flight 370.