

Arab-Israeli Riots Erupt After Palestinian Teen's Funeral

Violence between Israeli security forces and Palestinian protesters spread across Israel after the funeral of 16-year-old Mohammed Abu Khdeir.

East Jerusalem saw its third straight day of violence Saturday as clashes between Israeli police and Palestinian protesters spread to cities across Israel.

Thousands of mourners in Jerusalem attended the funeral of Mohammed Abu Khdeir, whose body was wrapped in a Palestinian flag. A day after he went missing, his badly burned remains were found Wednesday in a Jerusalem forest. (Via EuronewsNBC

Now, police haven’t said how the teen died or who was responsible, but many Palestinians say the timing of his death is no coincidence.

His remains were found after the funeral for three teenagers the Israeli government says were kidnapped and killed at the hands of Palestinian militant group Hamas. Their deaths prompted calls for retaliation. 

In no uncertain terms, Palestinian newspaper reports have described Kdheir’s death as a revenge killing and “a new Holocaust at the hands of settlers”, calling the teen a “martyr.” (Via Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Al-Ayyam)​

Meanwhile, Press TVreports Israeli police have increased their presence in the region, tightening security and banning any Palestinians under the age of 50 from entering Jerusalem.

An Israeli army spokesperson told Al Jazeera Israel launched airstrikes on Gaza, which is controlled by Hamas. This, the army says in exchange for Palestinian groups firing rockets into Israel.

Egypt, which is traditionally a broker between Hamas and Israel, is reportedly attempting to negotiate a cease-fire.