World NewsAsia


China Not Happy With US' Plans To Update Its Nuclear Arsenal

The Defense Department released plans Friday to add newer, smaller weapons to the American nuclear arsenal.

China is denouncing what it calls a "Cold War mentality" in response to U.S. plans to update the American nuclear arsenal.

The U.S. Department of Defense's 2018 nuclear posture review, released Friday, calls for modernizing the U.S.' nuclear triad by adding newer, smaller warheads.

It also cites China, Russia, North Korea and Iran as potential nuclear threats.

China said Sunday it was "firmly" against the plan and that, "We hope that the United States will abandon its Cold War mentality."

The report also publicly acknowledges for the first time that Russia is reportedly developing a new intercontinental, nuclear undersea torpedo.

Russia's foreign ministry said it was "deeply disappointed" in the review.

The department told reporters that new developments won't expand the overall size of the U.S. arsenal.

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN.