World NewsAsia


UN Report: North Korea Sold Weapons To Syria And Myanmar

International sanctions ban North Korea from exporting things like coal and restrict how much oil it can import.

North Korea sold weapons to both Syria and Myanmar and skirted international sanctions to make $200 million on exports, according to a United Nations report.

The report said North Korean ships took coal to Russia, China, Vietnam and Malaysia.

It also says North Korea has helped Syria develop its chemical weapons program over several years. The U.S. has accused Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's regime of using chemical weapons against its own people in an ongoing civil war.

Myanmar — which was accused of ethnic cleansing when more than half a million people fled the country — reportedly bought conventional weapons from North Korea, including a ballistic missile system, rocket launchers and surface-to-air missiles.

International sanctions ban North Korea from exporting things like coal and seafood and restricting its imports of oil.