World NewsAsia


US Releases A New National Security Strategy — And China Isn't Happy

The Trump administration labels China — along with Russia — a rival power.

China isn't happy with the United States' new national security strategy.

The Trump administration now labels China — along with Russia — a rival power that challenges American influence and security.

In a recently published document, the White House says the the two countries "are determined to make economies less free and less fair, to grow their militaries, and to control information and data to repress their societies and expand their influence."

The document then lists North Korea, Iran and terror groups as competitors — though it notes those "challenges" differ in nature and magnitude from Russia and China.

China's foreign ministry denounced the categorization, calling it "outdated" and saying the U.S. needs to let go of its "Cold War mentality."

Russia also hit back, saying it can't accept that it's treated as a threat.