

Authorities Warn About Toothpaste Bombs On Way To Sochi

American security is warning airlinges that explosives could be smuggled onto planes in tubes of toothpaste, making travel to Sochi even scarier.

Another potential threat for those headed to Sochi from the U.S. for the Winter Olympic Games.

"As the first events get underway at the Winter Olympics in Russia, American security authorities are warning civilian airlines that explosives could be smuggled onto planes in toothpaste tubes." (Via BBC)

That's right, tubes of toothpaste. Unnamed U.S. officials told both CNN and ABC the alert was issued by the Department of Homeland Security to both U.S. and foreign airlines.

The warning says some intelligence indicates the toothpaste tubes or other similar cosmetic tubes may be housing ingredients that could be used to construct a bomb on a plane.


It's unclear what prompted the alert in the first place. But a Department of Homeland Security official told ABC authorities haven't identified any specific threat to the U.S.  

And a U.S. law enforcement official reiterated that same thought to CNN, saying authorities' confidence in the safety of Sochi and the Olympic venues is growing — it's the areas outside of the city, like regional transportation links, that have them worried.

Security in Sochi has been tight for months now because of the threat Islamic militants in the country pose to the Games.

In the past three months, Russia has seen three suicide bombings in its northern cities that have been linked to those militants. (Via Euronews)

The U.S. State Department cautioned Americans heading to Sochi for the Games to "exercise good judgment" because of the terror threat. But President Obama said in an interview last week that he believes the city is safe.

"In these large settings like this, there are always some risks involved." (Via CNN)

The 2014 Winter Olympics are set to officially begin Friday.