

Breakfast Might Not Be The Day's Most Important Meal

New studies downplay the nutritional importance of the day's first meal.

Ah, breakfast. The most important meal of the day .... or wait — is it? Two new studies say, not so much. 

A study out of the University of Bath found those who did not eat a meal before 11 a.m had no real metabolic differences from those who did. 

The study looked at the blood glucose, cholesterol and metabolic rate of both breakfast and non-breakfast eaters. 

And a study done by the University of Alabama agrees eating breakfast is not going to help you shed any pounds. It found there is no correlation between the meal and weight loss. 

The New York Timesquotes researcher Emily Dhurandhar saying, “breakfast may be just another meal.”

But it's important to note this study only looked at people's weight, not their overall health. 

A study done by Harvard last year says eating breakfast is key to a healthy body. It found that those who skipped breakfast had a higher risk of heart disease.  

Researchers said this was likely because extra time fasting puts strain on the heart. 

So basically, do eat breakfast. But do it for your heart, not your waistline.