World NewsCanada


Former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford In Palliative Care As He Battles Cancer

His office confirmed the news. So far, Ford has undergone at least nine rounds of chemotherapy.

Former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford is in palliative care, his office confirmed Monday. 

Ford's brother told the Toronto Star, "Family members have been with him around the clock. ... Rob is a fighter and continues to fight."

Last spring, Ford underwent treatment for a rare tumor in his abdomen. In October, doctors discovered another tumor in his bladder.

Earlier in March, it was announced Ford would undergo an experimental cancer treatment in which researchers would inject tissue from his tumor into mice to test for the best courses of action. 

But three days before the recent palliative-care announcement, his chief of staffnoted Ford's cancer hadn't responded well to his most recent chemotherapy treatment. His body is reportedly not healthy enough yet to try another series of drugs. 

Ford said in January, if his health permits it, he'll run for mayor of Toronto in 2018. 

This video includes clips from CBCCity News and Rob Ford, and images from Getty Images.