

Canada Might Give Recent Asylum Seekers A Cold Shoulder

Amid a recent surge in illegal migration, 48 percent of Canadians polled told Reuters/Ipsos those migrants should be deported.

Illegal migration is on the rise across the U.S.-Canada border, and one poll says almost half of Canadians aren't happy about it.

A poll conducted by Reuters/Ipsos found 48 percent of Canadians surveyed said they wanted to deport recent migrants who entered illegally. That's compared with 36 percent who wanted to allow them to seek refugee status.

The first few months of 2017 have seen a spike in illegal U.S.-Canada border crossings. Refugees seeking asylum status in Canada make up part of the surge.

The Reuters poll claims hundreds of these migrants say they are worried about an immigration crackdown in the U.S. under President Trump. These are the people respondents were asked if they wanted to deport.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has tried to draw a contrast between himself and Trump on immigration. But he's come under increasing political pressure to tighten Canada's borders.