World News


Critics Say Breast-Feeding Ad 'Sexualizes' And Shames Women

A new ad campaign from Mexico City encourages women to breast-feed, but some are calling it too sexualized.

A breast-feeding campaign in Mexico has ignited controversy with an ad some are calling too sexualized. 

In the ads, a banner across the women's chest reads, "Don't turn your back on them, give them your breast." Time reports the new campaign from Mexico City is drawing such heat because some say it sends the wrong message. 

"Health advocates are peeved that the campaign both sexualizes women and faults those who choose not to breast-feed, rather than simply emphasizing the benefits of doing so."

And NPR says it doesn't help that the models for the ads were famous actresses. The outlet spoke with Regina Tames, a member of a reproductive rights group. 

"'It's not only a very terrible campaign in terms of how it looks, but it's also the message that if you don't breast-feed, you are a bad mother and you are the one to blame."

And not to mention those women in the ads are pretty toned, hardly looking like they just popped out a baby. But Fashion Times points out while the ads may have missed the mark, breast-feeding education is important in the country.

"​It is the lowest city in Latin America with nursing mothers. Only 14 percent of mothers nurse their child exclusively in the first six months, a standard recommended by the World Health Organization."

KOKH asked its viewers about the controversial ad. (Via Facebook / KOKH FOX 25 News, Oklahoma)

"I breast fed and formula fed my three children. I would have no issues with this ad. Stop crying over spilled milk! Haha." (Via KOKH)

But Mexico isn't alone when it comes to controversial ads. California-based nonprofit breast cancer group The Keep a Breast Foundation caused a stir with this "I Love Boobies" campaign.