

Entire Navigation Crew In Deadly Ferry Disaster In Custody

Prosecutors investing the South Korean ferry disaster say all 15 crew members who were responsible for navigating the ship are in custody.

All 15 people who were involved in navigating the ferry that capsized and sank off the coast of South Korea have been arrested — this according to a prosecutor investigating the disaster.

"Four more crew members are arrested following the deadly ferry accident in South Korea. Prosecutors say all 15 now in custody accused of negligence and failing to help passengers in need." (Via Fox News)

Fox News reports a prosecutor investigating last week's disaster told reporters two helmsman and two members of the steering crew were detained Saturday.

They join 11 other crew members who were arrested earlier this week and last week, including the captain himself. (Via CNN)

According to survivors, the captain initially told passengers to stay where there were as the ship started to go down. (Via Euronews)

And several reports claim he waited nearly 30 minutes to issue an evacuation order. But by that time, the vessel was so tilted, it was impossible for many to escape.

The captain later defended delaying the order while addressing the media, claiming he feared passengers would "drift away" if he told them to evacuate. (Via BBC)

"I am sorry to the people for causing a disturbance, and I bow my head in apology to the families of the victims." (Via BBC)​

Now, rescue divers are continuing their search for the 115 people officials say are still missing in the wreckage. (Via ABC)

CNN reports divers found the bodies of 48 girls floating in just one of the tiny rooms in the sunken ferry on Saturday alone. So far, they've recovered a total of 187 bodies from the scene.

The captain is facing five charges. If convicted on all charges against him, prosecutors say he could face life in prison. The cause of the deadly accident is still under investigation.