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Attack On Gas Company In France Investigated As Terrorism

French authorities say there were two attackers involved in a suspected terrorist attack in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier. One suspect has been arrested.

One person is dead and at least two are injured following an attack on a gas factory in south Eastern France Friday.

According to reports, the victim’s decapitated body and a flag with Islamist inscriptions were found at the scene. (Video via BFMTV)

"There has been one person arrested. He was allegedly carrying a flag of the Islamic State, said he was a member of the Islamic State," reported Sky News.

France’s Interior Minister identified the suspected attacker as 35-year-old Yassin Sali, a man who was on a security watch list but had no previous criminal record. The minister said “suspected accomplices” have also been detained.

French President Francois Hollande is cutting a trip to Brussels short following the attack to return to Paris. 

Hollande urged his country to not give into fear and create useless divisions as the attacks this year on satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and a kosher supermarket are fresh memories.

Hollande said French authorities are considering taking additional security measures. French officials have launched a terrorism investigation. (Video via France 3)