World NewsEurope


EU Approves New Aid Package As COVID-19 Cases Rise In France, Spain

Across the border, the Spanish area of Catalonia closed down nightclubs.

The coronavirus spread is worsening again in France and Spain as Europeans are heading out to clubs, bars and beaches for the summer holiday season.

French health officials said Saturday that the country's daily new infections are trending higher. They say that is setting France back in its battle to contain the virus by making it harder for the COVID-19 spread to peter out.

According to the Associated Press, officials said: “We have thus erased much of the progress that we’d achieved in the first weeks of lockdown-easing."

Across the border, the Spanish Catalonia region closed down night life gatherings as the country has seen its rate of new cases quadruple since the start of summer. 

On Tuesday, the European Union approved a new coronavirus recovery package to deal with continuing fallout from the pandemic. The agreement will allow the EU to borrow $750 million to help rehabilitate their damaged economies.