World NewsEurope


German Ex-Nurse Admits To Killing 100 Patients

​He is already serving a life sentence for convictions on charges including murder and attempted murder.

A German former nurse confessed to having killed 100 patients over the course of his career.

Niels Högel told a German court Tuesday the 97 murder charges against him were "more or less" accurate. He is already serving a life sentence for six convictions on charges including murder and attempted murder.

The killings were allegedly carried out between 1999 and 2005 during Högel's time as a nurse at two hospitals in Germany. His method involved injecting patients with a cocktail of non-prescription drugs to make them go into cardiac arrest. Prosecutors say he'd then try to resuscitate his victims in an attempt to show off his skills to co-workers or just out of boredom. The ages of his alleged victims ranged from 34 to 96.

Local police say if hospital officials hadn't "hesitated to alert authorities" to the number of people dying under Högel's care, he could have been captured sooner. Investigators say he may have killed even more people than he's admitted, since many potential victims' bodies were cremated.

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN.