

Emmanuel Macron To Address France After More 'Yellow Vest' Protests

French authorities say they detained more than 1,000 people during Saturday's demonstrations.

French President Emmanuel Macron will address the nation after a fourth straight weekend of widespread "yellow vest" protests. Saturday's demonstrations saw more than 100,000 people turn out across the country, and authorities arrested more than 1,000. 

Macron is scheduled to meet with local officials and trade union leaders on Monday. He will also address the nation at some point in the coming week, according to a government spokesperson.

While the government has withdrawn the gas tax that helped spark the protests, demonstrators have expressed anger at widening economic inequality and at Macron over his economic reforms.  

The protests have shut down major landmarks in Paris, and the country's finance minister says he expects the movement has already hurt the French economy substantially

Additional reporting by Newsy affiliate CNN