World NewsEurope


Man Legally Changes His Name To Bacon Double Cheeseburger

This U.K. man would like for you to call him Mr. Cheeseburger. His fiancee, the soon-to-be Mrs. Cheeseburger, probably isn't thrilled.

We've heard of enjoying a good burger or two, but this is ridiculous.

A U.K. man is so enamored with the lure of a bacon double cheeseburger, he decided to legally make it his name.

One commentator on the BBC asked, "His surname is Cheeseburger?"

Another commentator said, "Yeah. Mr. Cheeseburger to you an I."

"There's probably someone whose name really is Cheeseburger — I mean originally was Cheeseburger."

"Yeah, he should've just found them and married them instead."

Now, the hero formally known as Simon Smith admits alcohol did play a factor — a shocking revelation, really.

Cheeseburger told the London Evening Standard he changed his name in part because "everyone loves bacon don't they?" — except for maybe his fiancee.

But the question remains: Does that beat Mark I Love Spam Benson from England? Who knows.

Best of wishes, Mr. Cheeseburger. Cheers to many other great decisions.

This video includes images from Clotee Allochuku / CC BY 2.0Steven Depolo / CC BY 2.0Burger Austin Follow / CC BY 2.0 SA and jeffreyww / CC BY 2.0.