

Press Group: Ukraine Journalist, Soldier 'Coldly Executed'

The group said photojournalist Maks Levin and serviceman Oleksiy Chernyshov were found with 14 bullet holes in the pair's car north of Kyiv.
Ukrainian photojournalist Maks Levin

The press freedom group Reporters Without Borders said a Ukrainian photojournalist and a soldier accompanying him appear to have been “coldly executed” during the first weeks of the war in Ukraine as they searched in Russian-occupied woods for a missing camera drone.

The group sent investigators to the woods north of the capital, Kyiv, where the bodies of Maks Levin and serviceman Oleksiy Chernyshov were found April 1.

The group said its team counted 14 bullet holes in the burned hulk of the pair’s car and found litter seemingly left by Russian soldiers.

Additional reporting by The Associated Press.