

Facebook Users Help Find Kidnapped Newborn Within Hours

Four friends in Canada helped find a kidnapped newborn after seeing Amber Alerts on social media. Police say the kidnapping suspect posed as a nurse.

A kidnapped newborn baby is back with her parents thanks to social media and some very aware friends.

Police say 1-day-old baby Victoria was taken from a Quebec hospital Tuesday by a 21-year-old woman posing as a nurse who told the unsuspecting parents she needed to run some routine tests. (Via Global News)

Within minutes of the woman leaving with the baby, police issued an Amber Alert that quickly circulated among mainstream and social media.

That alert only contained a description of the suspect's car, a red Toyota Yaris with a "baby on board" sticker in the window.

Police say four friends who saw the alert on Facebook decided to go look for the car — saying it couldn't have gotten very far. (Via NTV)

"It's the biggest emotion that we have. ... We just want to do something nice, so we just go find the car." (Via CTV)

Those friends say they recognized the suspect after police released a photo. They then immediately alerted police, who broke down the woman's door.

In a video posted to Facebook, crying can be heard as the friends greet the officer carrying baby Victoria. (Via Facebook / Melizanne Bergeron)

Just three hours after the kidnapping, police returned the newborn to her parents. The mother, Melissa McMahon, took to Facebook to credit social media with the return of her daughter. (Via CBC)

"Thousands of people shared the photo of the woman on social networks. Know that this is what has saved our little Victoria. Each click, each share made ​​the difference." (Via Facebook / Melissa McMahon)

Now officials are urging hospitals to strengthen their security measures. According to CBC, some hospitals already use monitoring bracelets for newborns, but such requirements aren't standard in some parts of Canada.

Police are still investigating the incident. The suspect has been arrested and is currently undergoing a psychiatric evaluation.