

Fighting In Gaza Strip Leaves 1 Israeli Soldier, 7 Palestinians Dead

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cut a trip to Paris short after hearing the news and headed back to Israel Sunday.

A wave of fighting in the Gaza Strip on Sunday left one Israeli soldier and seven Palestinians dead. 

It's not entirely clear what happened. The violence came days after Israel and Hamas reportedly struck an unofficial agreement to allow the flow of cash and fuel into Gaza. 

Hamas told media outlets that Israeli undercover forces led a mission into the Gaza Strip, targeting and fatally shooting a Hamas commander. Security forces reportedly used a civilian car to complete the raid and covered that vehicle's escape back into Israel with air strikes. 

The Israel Defense Forces said in a series of tweets and a statement that it conducted a "high-importance operation for Israeli security," during which exchanges of gunfire erupted, killing one Israeli soldier and leaving another injured. Ground operations in the Gaza Strip are rare. 

It isn't immediately clear if the operations discussed by Hamas and the Israel Defense Forces are the same. 

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cut a trip to Paris short after hearing of the situation in the Gaza Strip and headed back to Israel Sunday night. 

Correction: A previous version of this story misstated Israel Defense Forces. The story has been updated.

Additional reporting byNewsy affiliate CNN