World News


France's President Took On President Trump's Policies In His UN Speech

President Emmanual Macron's harshest criticism had to do with the Paris climate agreement.

President Donald Trump's speech to the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday focused largely on putting America first and maintaining sovereignty. 

"The United States will not tell you how to live or work or worship. We only ask that you honor our sovereignty in return," he said. 

Soon afterward, French President Emmanuel Macron seemed to rebuke Trump's comments during his own speech at the U.N.

"I never stop upholding the principle of sovereignty," Macron said. "Even in the face of certain nationalism, which we're seeing today, brandishing sovereignty as a way of attacking others." 

Trump also told the year's largest gathering of world leaders that Americans "reject the ideology of globalism" and that "America will always choose independence and cooperation over global governance, control and domination." 

Macron responded to that, too, by saying he rejects Trump's ideas on globalism. 

"Here today, even those who might criticize it, we have all benefited from the way that global order is structured around globalization," he said. "We've all benefited from it."

But Macron's harshest criticism had to do with the Paris climate agreement, which Trump withdrew the U.S. from in 2017.

"We will no longer sign commercial agreements with powers that do not respect the Paris accord," Macron said. 

He later clarified his comments by saying he thinks there could still be agreements with individual sectors as long as they are neutral on climate.

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN