

G7 Nations Pile More Sanctions On Russia's Faltering Economy

The Western world accuses Russia of backing a succession rebellion in eastern Ukraine, where militants have taken control of several cities.

G7 leaders are letting loose another round of economic sanctions against Russia.

The G7 nations, which had included Russia until a few weeks ago, haven't provided a list of specific punishments for Russia, though the U.S. says it could release details Monday. Aboard Air Force One for a trip from South Korea to Malaysia, President Barack Obama spoke with European leaders about the sanctions by phone. (Via The White House)

The Western world accuses Russia of staging a succession movement in eastern Ukraine. The BBC reports pro-Russian militants are holding captive eight European military observers and some members of Ukraine's army.

This is in the city of Slovyansk, near Ukraine's border with Russia. The Europe-friendly government in Kiev has installed checkpoints leading into the city to cut off the rebels operating there. (Via Google)

This is the same Ukrainian city where pro-Russian separatists captured Vice reporter Simon Ostrovsky earlier this week. He was finally released unharmed on Thursday.

Russia's economy has already begun buckling under global sanctions. On Friday, Standard & Poor's downgraded its credit rating to BBB-, one step above a so-called "junk rating." Consumer price inflation in Russia also rose 7 percent just in the last week.