

Honduran Election Results Unlikely To Stop Widespread Unrest

Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández was declared the winner of a bitterly contested election Sunday.

The Organization of American States is calling for a new presidential election after Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernández was declared the winner Sunday.  

Honduras' electoral commission said Hernández won a second term in office by more than 50,000 votes over opposition candidate Salvador Nasralla. 

Newsy previously reported that Honduras has seen widespread protests since the Nov. 26 election. At least 17 people have died in protests. 

It's unlikely that unrest will diminish now that Hernández has been declared the election's winner. After all, the opposition believes Hernández may have rigged the vote. 

Nasralla's opposition party rejected the results in a statement to Al Jazeera. Nasralla was en route to the U.S. to meet with the State Department when the results were announced.