

Kerry Asks Gulf States For Help On ISIS

Visiting Egypt for the first time since the country's military coup, the U.S. Secretary of State pressured states to halt funding to militant Sunnis.

​John Kerry hopes to find a diplomatic solution to Iraq’s sectarian violence. The U.S. Secretary of State began a five-day trip across the Middle East in Egypt Sunday. (Via U.S. Department of State)

KERRY: “We have a lot to talk about and a lot to work on.” (Via NBC)

The trip’s focus is on pressuring the Iraqi government, currently led by Nouri al-Maliki and fellow Shiite Muslims, to welcome the Sunni population into leadership roles. (Via MSNBC, Press TV)

But Kerry will also urge nations across the region to help cut off funding to the Sunni militants sweeping across northern Iraq.

That’s the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, also known as ISIS, an Al Qaeda offshoot making news for its brutal tactics and its rapid advance toward Baghdad. (Via CNN)

Iraq’s government says ISIS has drawn funds from supporters in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. Although all these governments are Sunni-controlled, there’s no evidence the governments themselves are funding ISIS. (Via Wikimedia Commons)

Still, Kerry is pushing these nations to crack down on any potential flow of funding for the militant group.

KERRY: “We are obviously discouraging any kind of support to entities where it is unsure where the money is going.” (Via Sky News)

Kerry’s trip to Egypt is especially notable, as it’s the first high-level U.S. visit to Egypt since its military overthrew its first democratically-elected president last summer. A former general, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi was sworn in as the new president this month.