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Melania Trump's First Solo Trip Abroad As First Lady Is On The Books

Melania Trump will head to Toronto to lead the U.S. delegation at the 2017 Invictus Games in September.

The first lady is stepping out on her own internationally.

In late September, Melania Trump will lead the U.S. delegation at the 2017 Invictus Games in Toronto.

It will be her first solo trip out of the U.S. since her husband, President Donald Trump, has been in office.

She joined the president on his first overseas trip to the Middle East back in May. And she traveled with him to Germany for the G-20 summit and to France for Bastille Day celebrations earlier this month.

The Invictus Games were founded by British royal Prince Harry in 2014. The worldwide sports competition is for wounded and sick military personnel.

In a statement, Melania Trump said the competition is "something that should be lauded and supported worldwide." Ninety American athletes will be competing in September.

Trump's first solo international trip is much sooner than those of some of the first ladies before her.

By the time the 2017 Invictus Games roll around, President Trump will have spent eight months in office.

Michelle Obama's first solo trip abroad to Mexico City was 15 months into her husband's first term. And Laura Bush went on her first solo tour to Europe 16 months after President George W. Bush took office. 

Correction: A previous version of this story incorrectly described Prince Harry as a British monarch.