

Lifeboats Reportedly Weren't Deployed In Ferry Disaster

A South Korean ferry carrying 475 passengers capsized more than 24 hours ago. Now, YTN reports for some reason, only one lifeboat was deployed.

When the news broke a ferry in South Korea carrying 475 people sank, it was devastating enough. Now, reports are out saying only one of the boat's lifeboats was deployed.

CNN cites YTN, which reports there were 46 lifeboats attached to the South Korean ferry, but, again, only one was deployed. 

"CNN has not been able to independently confirm the report. But if true, it will fuel the anger of families still waiting to hear the fate of 287 passengers still missing at sea."

Arirang is reporting vessel monitoring systems confirm the ferry made an abrupt shift from the travel course.

"Due to this, the 180 vehicles and 1,000 tons of cargo on board to shift to one side, ultimately leading the ship to capsize very quickly. This again is a provisional finding."

However, survivors are backing up the claim, they "​have told media that the Sewol jolted on two occasions as it tilted at a 90-degree angle and again as it capsized. Fishermen who took part in the early rescue efforts have given supporting accounts." (Via Korea Herald)

So far, at least nine people have been confirmed dead. The number is expected to rise. The ship sank Wednesday, but rescue efforts have been hampered by strong currents. (Via Fox News)

Of the 475 people on board, many of the passengers were high school students. (Via Euronews)