World NewsMiddle East


ISIS Is Losing Support From A Crucial Demographic — Arab Youths

A new poll of Arab youths from ASDA'A Burson-Marsteller has bad news for ISIS — support for the group among the crucial demographic is waning.

ISIS is losing support among young Arabs in the Middle East. 

new poll shows fewer Arabs between 18 and 24 are being swayed by ISIS.

Only 13 percent of those surveyed said they could see themselves supporting ISIS if it stopped using such brutal tactics. Eighty percent said they still couldn’t. Last year, ISIS had more support. Nineteen percent said they could support a less brutal ISIS.

A little over three-fourths don’t think ISIS will ever actually establish a caliphate.

The survey included 3,500 face-to-face interviews with Arab men and women from 16 countries.

Some of these countries are the largest contributors to ISIS’ pool of foreign fighters.

The survey also found about a quarter of Arab youth believe unemployment is the primary reason people join ISIS. Another quarter had no idea why someone would join ISIS.

This video includes music "paperlight [week 6]" by Birocratic (