World NewsMiddle East


Runoff Elections Offer Morale Boost To Iran's President Rouhani

A surge of moderate and independent representatives will give Iran's president more leeway in parliament.

According to the early results, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has scored a minor victory in the country's runoff elections. 

According to the ISNA news agency, candidates aligned with Rouhani's reformist platform won 36 of the 68 seats up for grabs in Friday's voting. Conservative candidates have claimed only eight seats so far, with independents taking most of the rest.

The results, which still have to be vetted by the country's Guardian Council, probably won't give Rouhani's supporters a majority — but his hard-line opponents won't have control over parliament either.

And it's a show of public support for the Iranian president, who's been blasted by conservatives for negotiating the deal with Western countries over Iran's nuclear program.

Hard-liners still control major governmental institutions, so the election results don't herald any sweeping changes. But Rouhani will have a bit more flexibility to pass his agenda — and the results bode well for his presidential election next year.

This video includes images from Getty Images and clips from the Office of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.