World NewsMiddle East


Suicide Bombers Target Ancient Egyptian Temple

A suicide attack targeted the ancient Temple of Karnak in the Egyptian city of Luxor on Wednesday, threatening Egypt's vital tourism industry.

The ancient Temple of Karnak in the Egyptian city of Luxor was the target of multiple suicide bombers on Wednesday. 

According to Egypt's Interior Ministry, three terrorists attempted the attack. Two were killed by police before entering the temple complex while the third was able to detonate his device. 

Immediate reports on casualties didn't indicate any tourists were killed and Sky News reported four Egyptians were wounded. Another Egypt-based news source reported five total injuries.

No group has claimed responsibility for the attack so far, though a terrorist group affiliated with ISIS and based out of Egypt's Sinai peninsula has claimed responsibility for many high-profile attacks in the past.

In the past, the group has mainly targeted state security forces or soldiers. Attacking Egypt's vital tourism industry, which generated $7.5 billion last year, would be a considerable change in tactics. 

Just last week two Egyptian policemen were shot dead by gunmen on a motorcycle near the Pyramids of Giza.

Another attack at the Temple of Karnak in 1997 left more than 60 people dead after six gunmen opened fire on a tourism bus. 

This video includes images from Getty Images.