World News


Moscow High School Shooting Kills 2

​Police say a student in Moscow took more than 20 fellow classmates hostage Monday before fatally shooting a teacher and police officer.

​Police say a student in Moscow took more than 20 fellow classmates hostage Monday morning before fatally shooting a teacher and police officer.

This video shows the students evacuating from the high school, and a helicopter taking a wounded police officer. The shooter, now detained by police, is thought to be a student at the school. (Via YouTube / MrDandan112)

Russia is of course already on edge with the Olympics in Sochi now just days away. Chechen militants have staged attacks outside of Sochi, and have threatened further attacks within the city itself. (Via ABC

And it was also Chechen militants who took more than 1,000 people hostage at a school in Beslan 10 years ago. A three-day standoff with police led to more than 300 people dead, a majority of them children.  (Via RT

While reports vary on what motivated this shooting, it appears this time Russia's Islamic insurgency was not involved. 

"It does seem as though it’s some kind of local dispute at the school. Although there was obviously great concern when the news first broke, it looks like its just a tragic incident at a school in northern Moscow." (Via BBC

Kommersant reports there was some sort of argument between a geography teacher and the shooter involving whether the student would graduate with honors.

Citing a law enforcement official, state run news agency RIA Novosti reports the shooter's father helped police detain his child. The rifle used in the shooting was reportedly registered to the father.

The student has been handed over to investigators. According to RT, the student will be charged with homicide, hostage-taking and endangering the life of a law enforcement officer.