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Two Olympic athletes test positive for COVID-19; German chancellor visits flooded region; lawmakers still working on infrastructure bill

Two South African soccer players have become the first athletes inside the Olympic Village to test positive for COVID-19. The teams video analyst also tested positive. The entire team has been placed under quarantine until they are cleared to train. The announcement comes with growing concern over the potential spread of the virus at the 2020 Olympic games, which will begin on Friday. Japanese officials say 55 confirmed cases are now linked to the games. 

German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited one of the badly affected regions hit by flooding. At least 189 people have died in the floods across western Europe with 158 deaths reported in Germany. During her tour she said the flooding is a signal that Germany needs to accelerate the fight against climate change. Merkel said she was encouraged by residents who were banning together to clean up the wreckage. She also promised that the government would be providing financial assistance. 

It’s not clear if lawmakers will be ready to vote on infrastructure and budget deals.  Lawmakers have been working through the weekend to try to finalize the nearly trillion dollar bill. While Democrats are anxious to finish Republicans are in less of a hurry. 

"It’s important that we get it done. It's been talked about for years, and yet it's gotta be done in a thoughtful, bipartisan way. We don’t wanna rush this process and make mistakes." Despite fears that the $3.5 trillion tag on the reconciliation package might scare away Republican support, some GOP senators say they’re committed to coming to a resolution.