

Obama: Odds Of Final Iran Deal Are '50-50'

Just weeks after the U.S. reached a historic deal to curb Iran's nuclear program, President Obama downplayed the deal's chances at success.

Just weeks after the U.S. reached a historic deal to curb Iran's nuclear program, President Obama downplayed the deal's chances at success. 

"If you ask me what is the likelihood that we're able to arrive at the end state ... I wouldn't say that it's more than 50-50. ... But we have to try." ​(Via The White House)

While addressing a forum on U.S. policy in the Middle East, Obama defended diplomacy as a way of resolving tensions over Iran's nuclear program but said it was not entirely realistic to expect Iran to completely undo its multibillion-dollar nuclear program. (Via ITN)

In November, the U.S. and five other major world powers struck a deal with Iran to scale back its nuclear program for six months in exchange for some modest relief from international sanctions. Negotiators plan to reach a final agreement within a year. (Via U.S State Department

But the president has struggled to convince some members of Congress, as well U.S. allies in the Middle East, that Iran will hold up its end of the bargain. 

Those skeptics include Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has in the past called it the "deal of the century" for Iran. (Via The White House

NETANYAHU: "I have expressed my concern since Geneva, and I think further steps need to be taken to avoid further erosions." (Via Fox News

President Obama also said that if the diplomatic route fails, the military option remains on the table.