

Pakistani Taliban Claims Another Attack On Karachi Airport

The Pakistani Taliban took credit for an assault on a training center run by the Airport Security Force in Karachi.

The Pakistani Taliban is claiming responsibility for a second assault on the country's largest and busiest airport. 

On Tuesday, several heavily armed militants on motorcycles attacked a training center run by the Karachi Airport Security Force — provoking another dramatic gun battle with Pakistani security forces. (Via The Times of India/ Samma TV

The number of casualties wasn't immediately clear, though Pakistan’s Dawn newspaper reports at least seven badly burned bodies were recovered — believed to be workers from a private cargo company.

The situation is now reportedly under control and suspended flights have resumed. (Via Twitter / @AirportPakistan)

This attack came less than 48 hours after Taliban militants disguised as security guards laid siege to the same airport. A five-hour-long gun battle with Pakistani security forces left 38 people dead, including the attackers. (Via ITN/ Dunya)

The Taliban said Sunday’s brazen attack was in revenge for the death of Hakimullah Mehsud — the group’s former commander killed in a U.S. drone strike last year. (Via BBC

Tuesday’s attack may have also been payback. Hours before, the Pakistani military announced it carried out  airstrikes in tribal areas in the northwest of the country, killing as many as 15 militants. (Via  Euronews

​The second round of violence is an embarrassing blow to the Pakistani government which had promised to increase security after Sunday's attack.  (Via Geo TV

The government of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had been until recently trying to negotiate a peace settlement with the Taliban. (Via RT

Analysts say these latest attacks serve as a reminder of the Pakistani Taliban’s growing reach and dim any prospects for a peace settlement.