

Pakistani Teen Tackles Suicide Bomber, Saves Classmates

A 14-year-old Pakistani boy made the ultimate sacrifice when he tackled a suicide bomber to save his classmates.

​It's a tragic story of heroism out of Pakistan after a 14-year-old boy tackled a suicide bomber outside of his school, sacrificing himself to save his classmates.

"More than 1,000 schoolchildren are believed to have been gathered for morning assembly. … And it was Aitazaz who moved forward and started throwing stones, according to witnesses, to stop the bomber." (Via CNN)

Ninth grader Aitazaz Hasan and his cousin were on their way to school Monday when they encountered the bomber, who was reportedly dressed in a school uniform. (Via The Independent)

After throwing rocks didn't work, Hasan tackled the man, who reportedly panicked and then detonated the suicide vest. Since then, Hasan has been hailed as a martyr for education across Pakistan. (Via PolicyMic)

The region where the bombing happened has experienced turmoil lately from attacks on the Shia, along with other religious minorities. Hasan's school has about 2,000 Shia and Sunni students.

Hasan's father was out of the country and made it back to Pakistan the day after his son's funeral. He told The Express Tribune"My son made his mother cry, but saved hundreds of mothers for crying for their children."

Word of Hasan's sacrifice is now spreading on social media, with Facebook and Twitter campaigns working to honor the young boy's memory.

According to his classmates and family, Hasan was a good student and wanted to become a doctor one day. (Via BBC)

His story is being compared to that of 16-year-old Malala Yousafzai, also from Pakistan. An advocate for girls' right to education, Yousafzai was shot in the head by the Taliban in 2012 and survived. (Via The New York Times)

Several organizations and government officials in Pakistan say they're working to honor Hasan. Some have suggested giving him a posthumous award for bravery.