

Pentagon: Nuclear Missile Officers Cheated On Exam

While probing for drug abuse, investigators also implicated 34 U.S. Air Force officers in connection with cheating on a nuclear proficiency test.

A probe by the U.S. Air Force indicates drug abuse and cheating appear to be much more widespread among officers than previously believed. Wednesday officials announced 37 officers at six bases might be involved.

"Officials say they caught three officers with recreational drugs ... The Air Force also reports 34 officers cheated on a recent nuclear missile certification test." (Via Fox News)

The investigation started last week after the Pentagon announced it was probing a handful of Air Force officers for possession of recreational drugs. And during that investigation, evidence of cheating on the nuclear proficiency test was also discovered. (Via NewsChannel 8) (Via NBC

CNN reports the cheating was done through text messaging, as one person involved would share answers with others. Investigators say 16 officers cheated on the exam, while the remaining 18 supposedly knew about it but did not report it.

Of the six bases involved, three of them are homes to nuclear weapons. All the officers cited for cheating have reportedly lost accreditation and will need to retake the test. (Via New York Daily News

Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James told the press the officers involved displayed "absolutely unacceptable behavior."