

Rare Set Of Conjoined Twins Born In India

A rare set of conjoined twins, sharing every vital organ below the neck, is born to a woman in India Friday.

A woman in India gave birth to a very rare set of conjoined twins Friday. 

"Here's a picture showing the infant girls. The twins have separate spinal cords, necks and heads. But they do share everything below that." (Via KOFY)

Fox Newsadds because of their condition, there is a very slim chance the girls would be able to be separated. 

According to New York Daily News, Urmila Sharma couldn't afford an ultrasound early on in her pregnancy and believed she was only carrying one child.  

Daily Mailsays it was just two weeks ago when her doctors realized Sharma was carrying conjoined twins, but at that time it was too late to do anything. 

On Friday, Sharma gave birth via C-section at a hospital in Northern India. KEROreports the twins weighed in at 5 pounds, 3 ounces. 

The Independentreports the doctor who delivered the twins said, "The parents are very distressed and we are helping the family the best we can."

Doctors fear the twin's chances of survival are not strong. The conjoined twins, which have yet to be named, are currently being cared for in the hospital's intensive care unit.