

Rearrested Sudanese Woman Charged With Faking Travel Papers

Meriam Ibrahim, who was jailed for converting to Christianity, has been arrested again while trying to leave the country.

Meriam Ibrahim, the Sudanese mother who was put on death row for converting from Islam to Christianity and later released, is now being accused of using fake travel documents when she recently tried to leave the country.

Sudanese officials reportedly detained the 27-year-old mother, her American husband Daniel Wani and two children at Khartoum International Airport as they attempted to leave the African country and fly to the United States. (Via Al Jazeera)

CNN reports Sudan's National Intelligence and Security Services said there was "irregularity with her [travel] documentation" issued by South Sudan, in that she's not actually a South Sudanese citizen and was headed to a foreign country.

“Her lawyer said, 'We are going to do everything possible within the law to gain the release of our client as she has suffered already. She spent about seven months in prison and had her freedom for less than 24 hours.'" (Via Euronews)

The Sudan Tribune said the country's security agency informed the U.S. embassy of Ibrahim's detainment. The U.S. says they're working with Sudanese officials to ensure the family's "safe and swift departure" from the country.

Though the Sudanese embassy might have also hinted more hands were involved in Ibrahim's somewhat sneaky departure.

Fox News quoted an embassy spokesperson saying, "It is regrettable and disturbing that some elements attempted to bring Meriam to [the] U.S by issuing her an entry visa on a fraudulent traveling document obtained from a foreign country."

Meanwhile, a man who claims to be Ibrahim's brother, has tried to turn this whole ordeal into a family dispute. 

The Telegraph reports Al Samani Al Hadi claims Ibrahim was "kidnapped" as soon as she left prison by her Christian husband. Al Hadi also has been against her release, saying Ibrahim "should be executed" if she didn't renounce her Christian faith.

"Our family is not convinced by the decision of the court. The law has failed to maintain our rights, and now it is a matter of honour. Christians deface our honour, and we know how to take revenge for that."

CNN points out Ibrahim said she's not related to Al Hadi at court proceedings earlier this year. Her lawyer told NBC Sudan's National Intelligence and Security Service has now transferred Ibrahim from the airport to "police detention."