

Rob Ford's Brother, Doug Ford, Will Run For Mayor

Rob Ford's biggest advocate at city council, his brother, will be running in his place for Mayor.

Rob Ford has officially dropped out of Toronto’s mayoral race. 

But, the name Ford might still be one Canadiens could see in Office. Rob Ford’s brother, former campaign manager, and current Toronto city councilman, Doug Ford will now be running in his place. 

The two apparently made the switch on the ballot at the last minute — just about an hour before the paperwork was due Friday. 

In a statement, the current mayor explained, “I have asked Doug to run to become the next Mayor of Toronto, because we need him. We cannot go backwards." He went on to say Doug loves the city as much as he does. 

Doug was elected in 2010 to represent the ward his brother used to represent. He was known to be his brother’s ally in council meetings.

He even asked for police chief Bill Blair to resign during his brother’s police investigation.

Speculation about Rob Ford dropping out of the race has been circulating all week — media outlets have been reporting the current Toronto mayor went to the hospital Wednesday and ended up undergoing a biopsy on a tumor found in his abdomen.

Doctors predict it will take about a week to get the results of the biopsy.

This video includes images from Getty Images, Skeezix1000 / CC BY 2.0 and Alex Guibord / CC BY ND 2.0.