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Sony's PS4 Sales Exceeds Expectations

Sony is reporting it's PlayStation 4 console sold 5.3 million units worldwide since it's release date.
Posted 6:29 PM, Feb 18, 2014

Sales of the PlayStation 4 are better than even Sony expected!

Just three months after its release, the Sony Playstation 4 has sold 5.3 million units worldwide as of February 8th. All this ahead of its release in the company's home market of Japan. (Via YouTube / Playstation

IGN reports, "Seeing as Sony had previously announced it wanted to sell 5 million PS4 consoles by the end of the financial year on March 31, it's currently significantly ahead of schedule."

The release date for the PS4 in Japan is February 22 — and it's expected to boost sales even more. (Via ExtremeTech)  

So, how do these sales stack up against the rivals, you ask? 

Well, these latest numbers suggest Sony is outselling Microsoft's Xbox One. In late January, Microsoft reported 3.9 million shipments of its console worldwide, even though Xbox One reportedly outsold PS4's in December in the U.S.  (Via YouTube / xbox


And let's not forget about Nintendo's Wii U, which has reportedly sold 5.86 million units after being on the market for more than a year. The Verge notes, "Sony's system is moving units at more than four times the pace" of the Wii U.

But, as The Wall Street Journal mentions, strong PS4 sales are "​one of the few bright spots for Sony" who recently announced to investors it's expecting to take a $1.1 billion loss this year. 

While the PS4 is set to launch in Japan next week, Xbox One has yet to set a date to start sales there.