

Syrian Opposition Group Agrees To Attend Peace Talks

Syria's main political opposition group agreed to participate in next week's peace conference in Geneva.

Syria's main political opposition group has decided it will participate in next week's peace conference in Geneva.

According to the Syrian National Coalition's media office, 58 out of 73 members voted in favor of attending the talks, set to take place next week. (Via RT)

The talks are aimed at putting a stop to Syria's three-year-long civil war by setting up a transitional government. 

Which, as the BBC reports, is a conflict that has left more than 100,000 people dead and forced millions more to flee the country.

Many members of the rebel group were hesitant about agreeing to attend unless they could be sure Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was excluded from any future transitional government. (Via Fox News)

And the group claims no one should expect any breakthroughs at the conference. According to Al Jazeera, Syria's national reconciliation minister said last week, "The solution has begun and will continue through the military triumph of the state."

But U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry intervened to persuade the opposition group to participate in the conference. (Via ABC)

He said in a statement, "It is about establishing a process essential to the formation of a transitional governing body with full executive powers, established by mutual consent." (Via The Guardian)

The Syrian government has already announced it will attend the conference.