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Today In Fake News: El Chapo Escapes For A Third Time

Check your sources, people.

For the third time, Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman has escaped from a Mexican prison. Except he hasn't. He's definitely still there. 

But you wouldn't know that if you looked at your Twitter timeline. Memes and tweets were sent out more than 400,000 times poking fun at the absurdity of El Chapo making a third getaway. And it is absurd — because it's completely false. 

It looks like a story from a website calling itself ABC News was one of the first to report on the "escape." Except there's a big issue: The website is full of made-up news. Don't believe me? Let's take a look. 

SEE MORE: El Chapo's Prison Transfer Could Make Extradition Easier

At first glance, this looks like a normal online article. It has a pic of El Chapo and gives a pretty detailed account of how the drug kingpin got away again. But if you keep reading, it becomes obvious this site is full of it. 

Take for instance, the names of some of the sources, like The Anti-Masturbation Dolphin who apparently told the outlet: "El Chapo stopped all of the masturbation at his prison and felt his work in stopping self-rape could be used elsewhere. It was time for him to move on. So brave! Praise El Chapo!"

Exciting story, if it were real. Bringing it back to reality: El Chapo is is still in a maximum-security prison where he is still waiting to be extradited to the U.S. 

This video includes clips from Mexican Attorney General's OfficeCCTV America and Government of Mexico.