World News


UNICEF Says 1 Million Babies Die The Day They're Born

About 2.6 million babies die before they turn one month old, according to a new UNICEF study.

Although the mortality rate for newborns worldwide has gradually improved, the numbers are still high, especially in the poorest countries.

According to a new report from the United Nations Children's Fund, 2.6 million children die every year before they turn one month old. About 1 million of those infants don't make it past their first day of life.

The report determined Pakistan, the Central African Republic and Afghanistan had the highest newborn mortality rates in 2016.

UNICEF says the majority of newborn deaths stem from premature birth, complications during labor and delivery, and infections like sepsis and pneumonia.

But the organization says many of those lives could be saved if mothers and babies had access to quality health care, good nutrition and clean water.