

Why This Year's Geek Pride Day Is Way More Awesome

May 25 is Geek Pride Day and celebrates the premiere of the iconic 1977 'Star Wars' film.

This year's Geek Pride Day is a bit more special than others in recent history. That's because the newest "Star Wars" release is just months away! 

May 25 is tabbed as the traditional Geek Pride Day because it's the anniversary of the 1977 "Star Wars" film release. 

"Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi," said Princess Leia.

"She's beautiful," said Luke Skywalker. 

The celebration of everything geeky actually started in Spain in 2006, known as the Día del Orgullo Friki, and it's grown and grown ever since. (Video via YouTube / Sonia Seijas)

A quick Twitter search of #GeekPrideDay, and you can see just how many people are showing off their geeky swag. 

And even companies like AT&T and Intel are getting into the mix.

We're actually still trying to figure out how Google pulled this one off. 

As for what to do on Geek Pride Day? Well, you can start by leaving the barbecuing and pool parties to the outdoorsy folk. (Video via Weber)

You might want to start by figuring what kind of geek you are. Here's a quiz that may be helpful finding your true inner geek.

Maybe, you're more of the type that'd enjoy a day live tweeting your favorite "Star Wars" movie, as Mashable suggests

Or maybe you're more interested checking out dorky-turned-sexy celebrities as MTV so kindly provides.

If you're by your computer, which you most likely will be, some online shopping wouldn't hurt either. 

Whatever you decide, we wish you the best, and we hope the force is with you

This video contains music from Kevin MacLeod / CC BY 3.0.