

Will Laws Adjust To Emerging Automotive Technology?

Navdy's Head-Up Display system allows users to navigate their smartphones using only gestures and voice commands.

Imagine using Google Maps and responding to texts and calls without ever pressing a button or taking your eyes off the road. Sound a little futuristic to you, too?

​This week, tech company Navdy introduced its new Head-Up Display system. The system rests on the car's dashboard and projects images so they appear to be 6 feet in front of the windshield.

The system is controlled by a series of gestures and voice commands. It connects to both Apple and Android phones and is able to access apps such as Google Maps. 

Navdy's new technology is not to be confused with some of the existing gadgets out there. 

Apple's automotive technology, CarPlay, and Android Auto do use voice control but can require drivers to take their eyes off the road to look at the screen. 

Navdy says its Head-Up Display System was created to improve safety behind the wheel. 

Co-founder and chief executive of Navdy Doug Simpson told VentureBeat: "It all started with one too many near-accidents. That really caused me to start thinking, 'What's the right UI for the car?'"

And CrowdfundInsider reports Simpson said: "Smartphones were never designed to be used while driving. Touchscreen-based apps force you to take your eyes off the road."

The system also allows drivers to dictate texts without looking away — but it could run into some of the same legal problems as Google Glass.

KFMB reported a woman was ticketed just last year for using a similar technology, Google Glass, while driving. She received the ticket for being distracted by a TV screen.

U-T San Diego reports that ticket was actually dismissed by a traffic court that ruled the screen law does not apply to Google Glass. The lawyers also noted the glasses were in sleep mode while the woman was driving. 

This Mashable infographic shows the 41 states that currently prohibit texting and driving and six that have limitations on new drivers. Could Head-Up Display systems and Google Glass cause revisions to those laws?

Navdy is offering the system for $299 if you preorder within 30 days. The price will then rise to $499. The systems will ship in "early 2015."

This video includes images from Navdy.