

World Leaders To Sudan: Lift Death Sentence For Christian

A Sudanese court sentenced 27-year-old Meriam Ibrahim to death after she refused to renounce her Christian faith.

Amid mounting international pressure, a growing number of world leaders are calling on Sudan to lift the death sentence of a woman who refused to renounce her Christian faith.  

​​Sudanese doctor Meriam Ibrahim is married to a Christian man with U.S. citizenship. A Sudanese court recently ordered she be hanged for refusing to renounce her Christian faith — which as the BBC notes has reopened the apostasy debate. 

With her feet reportedly shackled, she gave birth to a baby girl this week. (Via The Independent

Meanwhile, her husband Daniel Wani appealed to the international community to put pressure on the Sudanese government to free his wife.

He told CNN: “I want to thank everyone for this stand... It's looking like it had an effect. Perhaps it will result in the judgment being overturned.” (Via CNN

British Prime Minister David Cameron was among the world leaders calling on Sudan to overturn Ibrahim’s conviction. (Via Channel 4

He told British paper The Times: “The way she is being treated is barbaric and has no place in today's world."  

In addition to the U.K., the Netherlands, Canada and the U.S. had also formally urged Sudan to release Ibrahim.

JEN PSAKI: "We're doing everything we can to push for her release.” (Via U.S. Department of State

Her case has also caught the attention of a number of celebrities and Amnesty International, which has launched a petition that’s gained over 200,000 signatures. (Via Twitter / @MiaFarrow, Twitter / @richardbranson, Twitter / @HillaryClinton

Ibrahim had been detained since January. Her other child, a 20-month-old boy, was also living with her in prison.