

Attorney General Faces Perjury Questions Over Talks With Russia

In 1999, Jeff Sessions strongly supported pursuing perjury hearings for President Bill Clinton.

The Washington Post reported Wednesday that Attorney General Jeff Sessions did meet with a Russian envoy while helping the Trump campaign, which contradicts Sessions' Senate testimony in January.

"I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign, and I did not have communications with the Russians," Sessions said under oath.

The question across news networks Thursday morning was this: "Did Attorney General Jeff Sessions commit perjury?"

In 1999, Sessions strongly supported pursuing perjury charges against President Bill Clinton.

"I'm concerned about a president under oath alleged to have committed perjury," Sessions said at the time. "I hope that he can rebut that and prove that did not happen. I hope he can show he did not commit obstruction of justice."

Lawmakers are asking Sessions to step down or make way for an independent probe of Russia's potential role in the 2016 election.