

Hispanic Caucus Members Reportedly Confronted Chuck Schumer Over DACA

Before the Senate spending bill vote, Hispanic Caucus members reportedly visited Schumer's office to urge him to get more senators to vote "no."

Members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus reportedly clashed with Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer over DACA — the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program — Thursday afternoon.

Over a dozen caucus members showed up at Schumer's office on short notice, hours before the Senate voted on a short-term spending bill.

According to The Washington Post, the group of Democrats wanted Schumer to persuade more senators to vote "no" on the bill because it didn't include a DACA fix or protections for nearly 800,000 DACA recipients from being deported.

Exchanges reportedly got heated, with one Democratic representative accusing Schumer and other Senate Democrats of throwing DACA recipients "under the bus."

Congress passed the stopgap spending bill Thursday evening. It extends government funding until Jan. 19.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell had previously said DACA discussions will take place in 2018 before protections start expiring in March.