

The House Might Vote On 2 Immigration Bills This Week

The White House said the president would sign both bills if they reached his desk.

Two immigration bills may come up for a vote this week in the House of Representatives. 

House Speaker Paul Ryan told "Fox and Friends" the two bills would see a vote this week. 

You might recall then-candidate Donald Trump mentioning the first one on the campaign trail.

"I am also going to ask Congress to pass 'Kate's Law,' named for Kate Steinle, to ensure that criminal aliens convicted of illegal re-entry receive strong mandatory minimum sentences," Trump said.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions released a statement Wednesday urging the House to pass Kate's Law and the No Sanctuary for Criminals Act

That bill would punish so-called "sanctuary cities" and states that don't go along with federal immigration policies by withholding certain federal funding.

The White House has also put out statements in support of the bills. The statements say the president's advisers would recommend Trump sign both bills if they made it to his desk in their current form. 

Democrats plan to oppose both bills.