

Stopgap Funding Bill Talks Stalled Over Farm Bailout Disagreement

There was expected to be a bipartisan agreement, but it hasn't been that simple.

Talks over a bill to temporarily fund the government through Dec. 11 are stalled over disagreements on bailout money for farmers.

Government funding runs out when the new fiscal year begins Oct. 1.

Negotiators had agreed to a "clean" spending bill a few weeks ago — meaning it wasn't supposed to include add-ons that could cause partisan gridlock. But Friday evening at a last-minute negotiation with Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi pushed back on including farm payments in the deal. Republicans want $30 billion in aid for farmers, while Democrats want that aid to be in a separate stimulus bill.

The Washington Post reports that Democrats are pushing for more spending on child nutrition programs in exchange for agreeing to the farm aid. 

Meanwhile, a Democratic aide told the political news website Roll Call that the legislation won't be finalized now until at least Monday. House Democrats could also introduce a new bill without Republican support.